"Independent Movie Channel Tip Jar" Terms & Conditions:

By clicking on the "Submit" button on the Independent Movie Channel Tip Jar Submission Form, I confirm that I am granting permission for Hang On To The Dream Foundation and their television broadcast partners to place a link called a "tip jar" on the show’s website, as well as partnering TV stations (terrestrial, streaming and/or internet).  I agree and confirm that the link that I provide to them for this tip jar is a link to my own personal PayPal account and that any tips that I earn from donations to that tip jar will never be used for any illegal or unethical purposes.  I also agree and understand that Independent Movie Channel and Hang On To The Dream Foundation is not responsible for any malfunction as to any donations that may have been intended to be directed through that link to my account.  I also understand and agree that Independent Movie Channel is not responsible for the distribution of any tips to anyone associated with me, including my fellow production team, cast members, etc., and that I am solely responsible for sharing any of the donations received by me through the tip jar with those who I deem entitled to a share of the donations.  I understand that this tip jar link is strictly provided to me as a courtesy through the above mentioned entities and that Independent Movie Channel nor any of the above mentioned parties, other than myself, have access in any way to the functionality or operation of the link as established by PayPal, and that I'm fully responsible and in control of any and all of the allocations of the funds and donations received through this link.  I also understand that this tip jar link may be removed and rendered non-functional at anytime for any reason and as a result any and all donations will no longer be able to be generated through that tip jar link.  By submitting the Tip Jar Submission Form and by clicking on the "Submit" button on the form, I confirm my agreement with the terms of this agreement.